Saturday, February 7, 2009

Whatchu Know 'Bout Me?

I am a girl of many vices. At the moment, I'm indulging in three of them; Goldfish crackers, the latest Kelly Clarkson song, and the new Ulta catalog. Without these things, my life would indeed suck (please note the clever song title tie in.)

I'm going to dedicate this post to my favorite non-beauty related vice; pop music. I like to call them guilty pleasures, but honestly, the older I get the less guilt I feel about what I decide to listen to. I"m less concerned with street cred than I am with a catchy hook.

First up, Beyonce Single Ladies (Put a Ring on it.)
Oh sweet Jebus save me from this song. I know it's become the new anthem for all those women who have been done wrong and it makes me cringe to think of how many trashy, tragic girls are singing this song in the spirit of empowerment. It's akin to the woman who just got dumped who warbles out "I Will Survive" at the karaoke bar. That nasty association aside, it's a damn great song.

Oh Beyonce, can you please teach me how to move likeyou do? Oh, and can I have your thighs please? Kthnxbye.

I know I'm going to catch flack for this, but I just can't help having a soft spot for Britney Spears. She's total swamp trash and I'm sure if you got close enough she would totally smell like Bubble Yum and that cheap cotton Candy body spray, but I"m equally sure that she's a really nice girl and she'd be a fun friend to have. Womanizer is, by any standards, a poorly written song. "Maybe if we both lived in a different world/it would be all good/and I could be your girl/ but I can't/ cause we don't" Um, was that written by a 13 year old girl? But you know what makes up for that line? "You say I'm crazy/I GOT your crazy" That line alone is enough to make me love this song.

Britney Spears - Womanizer (Complete HQ)
Uploaded by wonderful-life1989</div>

Lil' Mama's Lipgloss is such an adorable song. I think I love it so much because, finally, here's a song by a young girl about something that's totally appropriate for a 14 year old to be singing about. I mean, isn't it sort of ridiculous for a pre-teen to sing about heartbreak and lost love? They really have no idea what love is at that age. But they do know about lipgloss. That's why this song is so poppin'. I may also have love for this song because Lil' Mama reminds me of my CASA kid; all this swagger and underneath, a little bit of angel food cake.

I think that's quite enough or embarrassing myself for one day, don't you?


  1. i love britney-and i'm proud to admit it! ;)

  2. Wow Shinz you are goin' all out. That Beyonce vid is hot. It makes me feel funy.

