Before I freak you out further, let's get to the lotion!
For the record,I HATE putting on lotion. It just seems so time consuming and labor intensive or something. But I have really dry legs that itch like a sumbitch if I don't slather them occasionally, so I guess I should just stop whining, right?
The type of lotion/oil you use should vary with the seasons. A thick heavy lotion in the summer feels really oppressive and smothering, but it's just the thing for the cold and dry winter months. Since it's, um, winter and all, let's start with my favorite cold weather product:
Johnson's Baby Lotion

I absolutely love the clean, sweet smell of this lotion. Of course it brings up all the good stuff we love about babies, but leaves out all the vomit and dirty diaper unpleasantness. It's also nice and creamy and the softness lasts all day. The scent is light enough not to interfere with any perfume you wear. Johnson's has recently come out with new scents, and I also quite like the
Johnson's Bedtime Lotion

It's "enriched" (their word, not mine) with lavender and chamomile, so it really is great to put on just before bed. It's so soft and soothing. Both go for just about $5 and last forever.
Just as I'm writing this post did I realize that I'm pretty brand specific with my body lotion/oil. Apparently, I'm strictly a Johnson's girl.
In summer, I adore the Johnson's Baby Oil

Again, it has a very faint, clean scent. Slather this stuff on as soon as you get out of the shower and the softness will last all day. I really like this oil because it mixes really well with my favorite perfume and even makes the scent of the perfume last longer than usual. At just under $6, it's kind of an awesome deal.
Oh, as I was searching the Johnson's website ( I noticed that they offer dollar off coupons at their site. Sweet!
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